Piraatide tegevus muutub järjest kallimaks

Dummy onboard
Dummy and barbed wire on the Stena Antarctica during Gulf of Aden transit. Photo: Stena

Piraatlus muutub järjest kallimaks. Keskmine lunaraha on tõusnud 2-lt miljonilt 4-le miljonile USD. Lisades siia juurde kulutused vangistuses olevatele meeskonnaliikmetele, läbirääkimistele, kauba kaotusele või vigastustele, lunaraha kohaletoimetamisele jne, koguneb kokku summa ca 10 miljonit USD.

Viimase kahe aasta jooksul on Somaalia piraatide poolt kinni peetud 48 laeva ning pantvangi võetud ligi 1500 meremeest. Laevaomanikud on pidanud kasutusele võtma erinevaid meetmeid piraatide vältimiseks ja tagasilöömiseks: alates okastraatidest ja mannekeenidest lõpetades relvastatud turvameestega.

Järgnev lugu on pärit ajakirjast Shipgaz:

When the Norwegian seismic vessel “Geo Barents” came under fire on Sunday off the Kenyan coast, the fire was returned and the pirates fled. The incident has been confirmed but at the time of writing there is no confirmation of from where the fire against the pirates came. According to the shipowner, Uksnøy & Co in Brattvåg, there are no arms on their vessel, writes Norwegian daily Sunnmørs-Posten. The company refers to the operator Fugro-Geostream, working on behalf of Dominion Petroleum. According to unconfirmed information, the fire came from Tanzanian naval forces, supported by a British security team.

The incident has led to speculation about whether Somali pirates have been inspired by the pirates operating off West Africa and have found a new “business area”. Oil prospecting and production off East Africa is on the rise and kidnapping of personnel from oil companies and their suppliers could be a profitable business.

EU Navfor has announced that pirates have abandoned the 4,281-DWT dry cargo vessel Lugela, which was hijacked this Saturday. The crew consisting of twelve Ukrainian nationals were well prepared when the pirates boarded the vessel and locked themselves in the engine room with sufficient food and water. Failing to take control of the vessel, the pirates abandoned the vessels after less than 48 hours.

Info: shipgaz.com

Tänane Pealtnägija näitab Eesti oma eriüksuslasi, kes saadetakse Somaalia vetesse piraatide tegevust piirama.

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