VOR jaht Telefonica Blue taas vee peal

Reede keskhommikul jõuab Telefonica Blue meeskond Sandhamni juures oleva etapifinišini ja peale lõunat ollakse juba Stockholmis teiste jahtidega kõrvuti kai ääres.

Paljude toetajate ja abilistega koostöös saadi jaht taas korda ja nii jätkati 9. etappi mitu päeva stardist hiljem üksinda. Etapi lõpetamisel teenib meeskond 2 punkti juurde ja teisest kohast lahutab neid 7 punkti. Üldkokkuvõttes teist kohta hoidev meeskond Puma on küll mõnes mõttes kättesaamatu, aga milleski ei või enne regati lõppu kindel olla.

Telefonica Blue teel Stockholmi VOR 2009 LEG 9

Thursday 18 June 2009, 16:15 GMT

Telefonica Blue skippper Bouwe Bekking is expecting to finish leg 9 on Friday into Sandhamn.

In a message to his website, Bekking wrote: "It has been downwind sailing, with the big kite up. So the progress has been good and we are looking for a mid-morning arrival in Sandhamn."

The team is finishing the leg with the full complement of crew on board, although only seven sailors are required under the rules.

"Everybody wants to sail all the legs, as that way you really sailed around the world, and as well none of us wants his mates to do all the 'dirty' work."

The team will collect two points for finishing the leg, bringing its total to 88, good for third place, seven points behind PUMA.

After the crossing the finish line, the team is expected to proceed directly into Stockholm, without stopping in Sandhamn. They should arrive in the city in the early afternoon.

Stockholm here we come!

Hoiame pöialt! 

VIDEOT sellest, mis jahi meeskonnaga vahetult peale 9. etapi starti juhtus, kuidas nad karile sõitsid, leket püüdsid peatada ja laeva karilt kätte said, vaata Bouwe Bekkingu veebilehelt.VOR 2009 Geovoile

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