Ujuv linn või Noa laev? Freedom Ship concept

Juba ligi kümme aastat on töötatud projekti kallal, mille eesmärgiks on luua laev või ujuvlinn, mis saab kümnetele tuhandetele elu- ja töökohaks ja samas hakkab ümbermaailmareise korraldama.

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Mastaabid on hoomamatud, 1400 m pikkune laev, millel ka lennuväli ja ahtris sadamake väikelaevade jaoks. Maksumuseks arvestatakse 6 billionit USA dollarit. Maailmas ei ole laevatehastki, mis nii suure laeva enda juurde mahutaks, konseptsioon näeb ette liidetud pargaste ehitamist. Praegune maailma suurim laev Knock Nevis (458m) on vaid kolmandik sellest.

Wikipedia.org : Freedom Ship was a floating city project initially proposed by Norman Nixon in the late 1990s. It was so named because of the "free" international lifestyle facilitated by a mobile ocean colony, though the project would not have been a conventional ship, but rather a series of linked barges.

Kaheaastase reisi jooksul, mil teeb tiiru ümber maailma, peaks laevalt läbi käima 160-200 tuhat inimest.

Freedomship.com: Envision an ideal place to live or run a business, a friendly, safe and secure community with large areas of open space and extensive entertainment and recreational facilities. Finally, picture this community continually moving around the world. You are beginning to understand the Freedom Ship concept of a massive ocean-going vessel. With a design length of 4,500 feet, a width of 750 feet, and a height of 350 feet, Freedom Ship would be more than 4 times longer than the Queen Mary. The design concepts include a mobile modern city featuring luxurious living, an extensive duty-free international shopping mall, and a full 1.7 million square foot floor set aside for various companies to showcase their products.  

Laeva ehitust ei ole veel alustatud, küll aga saab endale juba kajuteid, hotellitube, residente ja eluruume broneerida. Kas projekt ka teoks saab, näitab aeg.

Laevu, mis elukohtadeks, on juba isegi olemas: ResidenSea ship The World

Nii, et kel soov pühkida maa tolm jalgelt, siis…


meremees ja sulesepp

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