Vahendan BBC News´i uudist laevahuku kohta, mis šotimaa ranniku lähedal möödunud aasta 12. aprillil aset leidis.
Nimelt merepuurplatvormi teeninduslaeval (AHTS) Bourbon Dolphinil juhtus töö käigus midagi, mille pärast laev kaotas püstuvuse ja keeras end ringi. Seitse meeskonna liiget pääses, leiti kolm hukkunut ja viis on kadunud. Järgmisel päeval sukeldus hullust ilmast hoolimata mereväe tuukrid laeva silda, et meeskonnaliikmeid päästa, aga ei õnnestunud kedagi leida. Hukkus ka laeva kapten ja tema 14-aastane poeg.
15. aprillil uppus laev täielikult rannikust 86 miili kaugusel, ei jõutud sadamasse pukseerida. Laev lebab rohkem kui tuhande meetri sügavusel vees.
Bourbon Offshore managing director Trond Myklebust said: "This is the worst day in the company. It's tragic for us but we are trying to focus on helping the relatives. At this stage we do not know how it happened. We only know it happened quickly."
Lisaks: Shetland Today 27. aprill 2007.
2006. aastal ehitatud laeva juhtumi juurdlus on lõppenud, märtsi lõpus avaldati juurdluse raport (Vaata ka videoklippe).
In its report the Commission points out that it is not possible to show that an individual error, whether technical or human, led to the accident; rather, a series of circumstances acted together to cause the loss of the vessel. The Commission concludes that the proximate causes of the accident were the vessel's change of course to port (west) so as to get away from mooring line no. 3, at the same time as the inner starboard towing pin was depressed, causing the chain to rest against the outer port towing pin. This gave the chain an altered point and angle of attack on the vessel. Together with the vessel's current load condition, the fact that the roll reduction tank was probably in use, and the effect on the vessel and chain of external forces, caused the vessel to capsize.
It emerges from the report that a number of indirect factors have contributed to the accident. A combination of weaknesses in the design of the vessel, and failures in the handling of safety systems by the company, by the operator and on the rig, are major contributory factors to the operation of 12 April 2007 coming out of control. Overall, system failures on the part of many players caused necessary safety barriers to be lacking, were ignored or were breached, so that the vessel and crew were exposed to a risk that resulted in the accident.
The Bourbon Dolphin. Photo: Ian Leask
AHTS Bourbon Dolphin, Norra
Omanik: Bourbon Offshore Norway AS
Ehitaja: Ulstein Verft AS, Ulstein
Valmistatud: 2006
Esimene tööreis: 2007
Klass ja tüüp: ULSTEIN A102 AHTS
Tonnaaž: 2,985 GRT
Pikkus: 75.2 m
Laius: 17 m
Süvis: 8 m
Käitur: 4x 3,000 kW, 750 p/m
Kiirus: 17.5 sõlme