TSR vol 6: Rivi jookseb pikemaks

Kui vaadata pilti Fleet Trackingust, paistab, et võistlejate rivi on pikemaks veninud. Tuul on algusega võrreldes vaiksemaks jäänud ja eelis on neil jahtidel, kel rohkem purjeid.

Punase ringiga on tähistatud St. Iv-i asukoht kell 5 hommikul

Kui võrrelda võistlusraporteid stardist tänase hommikuni, siis on näha, et esimestel kohtadel laevad pidevalt vahetuvad. Püsivalt ei ole teistest ette rebinud keegi. Praegustel andmetel on juhtimas A klassi purjelaev STATSRAAD LEHMKUHL, B klassi eesotsas on JENS KROGH, C klassis juhib MAGNOLIA ja D klassis SVANEN. Aga õhtul kella neljaks on kindlasti juba teine järjekord.

At the 0500 GMT positions, Statsraad Lehmkuhl (Norway) had taken over the lead on corrected time, both overall and in Class A. Behind her is now Christian Radich (Norway) and Georg Stage (Denmark) in what is turning out to be one of the closest races in recent years and a real battle for the lead between the two Norwegian ships. The wind conditions continue to be favourable meaning that this battle for the lead could Magnoliacontinue right to the end of the race.
On corrected time in Class B, Jens Krogh (Denmark) continues to lead with Albanus (Finland) in second and Aglaia (Germany) remaining in third. Magnolia (Poland, pildil>) has now taken over the lead of Class C, with Dar Natury (Poland) moving up to second place and Gwarek (Poland) up into third. Class D is now being led by Svanen (Denmark) with Nasz Dom (Poland) back in second place and Rona II (UK) back up to third place.
On the water another battle is raging with Fazisi (USA) now leading, followed just one third of a mile behind by Tomidi (Belgium) and a mile behind her Hansa (Spain). All these vessels have very high Time Correction Factors* so while they may be leading on the water, they are some way down the leaders on corrected time.

The leading Class A ship on the water is now Dar Mlodziezy (Poland) with Christian Radich some four miles behind her and Statsraad Lemhkuhl seven miles behind in third.

Winds continue to be favourable with southerly fresh winds of some Force 4-5, gusting to Force 6. Currently the fleet are experiencing rain but it will become fair later in the day. Winds are forecast to lesson slightly to Force 4 with gusts of up to 5 and still from a favourable direction.

St. Iv oli hommikul oma klassis seitsmes, finišini on natuke üle 200 miili ning saabumisajaks on praegu näidatud ööl vastu laupäeva kella ühe ajal.

Lisan ka foto noorest jahikaptenist Helen Ormusest, mis on tehtud eelmisel suvel.

TSR 2006, Chief Mate Helen


* Time-on-Time system: Each boat had a Time Correction Factor (or coefficient) that is multiplied by the boat’s elapsed time to compute its corrected time; the boat with the lowest corrected time wins. This system works particularly well in regions where tide can speed up or slow down races.


meremees ja sulesepp

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