Estonian oil spill handling in Parliament –

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Estonian prime minister voices his displeasure
Cypriotic Liberia-flagged crude oil carrier, Flawless, is suspected to have caused an oil spill outside Estonia’s north-west coast. On the 25 January on route from Muuga to Singapore, the tanker told Tallinn MRCC that 1.5 tons of bunkeroil was spilled onto the deck during transfer between tanks two days before. At the time, the tanker was about 50 km from the site where the alleged oil spill eventually was discovered. On the day when the spill was supposed to take place, neither Estonian nor Finnish patrol flights observed any trace of an oil spill. Also the message from the tanker disappeared on its way between the different authorities involved.  

This has prompted the Estonian prime minister, in a goverment meeting, to voice his displeasure of the abysmal cooperation and handling of the matter by authorities involved. In the Estonian parliament, the opposition is demanding that Estonia’s oil minister is deposed as responsible for clean up not being started in time, although the authorities had been informed of the spill by the tanker involved.


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